One hundred Texas Rangers and 50 local men on May 19, 1862, attacked a foraging party from the 17th Missouri Infantry (U.S.), a unit composed largely of German troops, fighting near here along Whitney's Lane. Union losses were 22 killed and 33 wounded while four Confederates were killed. The attack convinced Union Gen. Samuel Curtis to abandon his advance toward Little Rock and instead march cross-country to Helena on the Mississippi. Arkansas's capital would remain under Confederate control another year before falling to the Union.
(Killed in action listed on other side)
Killed in Action At Whitney's Lane
May 19, 1862
17th Missouri Infantry
Lang, Edward Drum Major Co. E · Greber, Michael Pvt. Co. H
Difani, Lorenz Pvt. Co. F · Ranft, William Pvt. Co. H
Grammer, Michael Pvt. Co. F · Rhein, Peter Pvt. Co. H
Hildenbrant, Francis, Pvt. Co. F · Reuter, Charles Pvt. Co. H
Meyer, John, Pvt. Co. F · Reuter, John Pvt. Co. H
Schnabel, Jacob Pvt. Co. F · Schmidt, Adam Sgt. Co. H
Tochterman, Fred Pvt. Co. F · Schmidt, Frederick Pvt. Co. H
Burkhardt, Jacob Pvt. Co. H · Schnell, Charles Pvt. Co. H
Clay, John Sgt. Co. H · Zeller, C. Pvt. Co. H
Dehasz, William
Pvt. Co. H · 4th Missouri Cavalry
Diederich, Jacob Pvt. Co. H · Schroeder, John Cpl. Co. B
Eckhart, Christian Pvt. Co. H
12th Texas Cavalry
McDonald, N. Brown Pvt. Co. H
Lowery, Montgomery Pvt. Co. H
Hick's Independent Arkansas Cavalry
Tapscott, James Dr.
Hooker's Independent Arkansas Cavalry
Sasson, Young Pvt.
Circumstantial evidence suggests that Martin Vanmeter, a local citizen with pro-Union sympathies, was killed on this day. He may have been a member of Hick's Cavalry but provided the Union Army with intelligence in the days before Whitney's Lane.
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