In the early 1800's Josiah Chambers
purchased 6,000 acres. His son, Josiah
Chambers, Jr., upgraded the property, built a race track and developed
transportation links via roads, bayou
navigation and railroad, eventually
expanding to almost 10,000 acres of
which 2,500 were improved.
Oakland was a diversified plantation and
included 46 horses, 53 working oxen, 119
asses and mules, 330 head of cattle, 300
sheep and 440 swine. Oakland produced
annually 750 bales of cotton, 678
hogsheads of sugar, 20,000 bushels of
corn, 700 pounds of wool, 600 bushels of
beans, 600 bushels of Irish potatoes and
3,500 bushels of sweet potatoes.
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