(Three panels make up this marker:)
In the 1930s, Gallagher CCC widened and surfaced this road, built Scott Mountain Road, developed Hot Springs and Pine Flat Campgrounds, erected fences to control livestock grazing, fought fires, and built the Gallagher Flat Ranger Station, the foundation which you see on the flat below.
In fact everything shown in free on this map was built by the CCC's working within the Payette River drainage. Some of these developments are no longer intact.
CCC: Roosevelt's Tree Army
Here at Gallagher Flat, the Civilian Conservation Corps, "CCC." helped shape the National Forest System. President Franklin D. Roosevelt's most popular New Deal program, the CCC responded to the Great Depression of the 1930s. This "Tree Army" employed and trained young men to conserve and develop the nation's natural resources.
What Happened When?
1933 — Roosevelt created CCC by executive order, to provide jobs and stimulate nation's economy; Gallagher Camp F-66 opens.
1935 — National CCC enrollment peaks at 500,000 men in 2,600 camps nationwide. Gallagher Camp enrolls 200 men from New Jersey, Missouri, New York and Idaho.
1937 — Congress rejects proposal for a permanent CCC; Gallagher Camp enrollment
reduced to 150 men. Over 1,500 enrollees have been employed since 1933.
1939 — World War II begins with German invasion of Poland; Gallagher Flat camp closed and is dismantled.
1941 — U.S. enters World War II, military service and the wartime economy produce full employment. One year later, the CCC program ends.
Do We Need a New CCC?
Could the CCC help us meet the environmental, social, and economic challenges we face today?
The Cs is the young man's best friend when he is out of a job ad low in spirit... Donald Tanaova, Gallagher Flat CCC enrollee, 1939
"We Can Take It!" was the motto of the CCC enrollees who lived on the flat below from 1933-1939
A Day in the Life...
CC life resembled life in the military: the day began with reveille. Enrollees then washed, exercised, marched to the mess hall for breakfast and worked all day. In the evening, they returned to camp, showered, attended flag retreat, and ate supper. Despite the hard work and repetitive schedule, the urban enrollees found the experience a great adventure. For many of these young men, ages 18 to 25, this was the first trip away from home, and their first trip to the rugged mountains of the American West.
The Rewards: "Three Hots and a Flop"
Enrollees earned
$36.00 per month, $25.00 of which they sent back home to their families. They were provided three hot meals per day, housing, uniforms, and medical care. As growing young men, underfed during the Great Depression, abundance of food on the mess hall tables stands out in the memory of those who worked in the field.
After Work
Gallagher Camp offered classes in academic and vocational subjects such as auto mechanics, surveying, carpentry and sheet metal working. Enrollees also studied photography, business law, journalism, and a host of other correspondence courses.
Sports were a popular activity. As part of the Pioneer League, Gallagher and other CCC teams competed in basketball, baseball and boxing.
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