Ernest Trova

Ernest Trova (HM2CAE)

Location: University City, MO 63130 St. Louis County
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N 38° 39.358', W 90° 18.243'

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Born February 19, 1927

Ernest Tino Trova, a self-trained St. Louis native, became one of the significant artists of the late twentieth century. Best known for his signature image, The Falling Man, Trova considered his entire output a single "work in progress." A collector of classic American comic character toys, Trova admired their surrealism and used them in some of his pieces. He began as a painter, progressing through three-dimensional constructions to his mature medium, sculpture. Trova's gift of forty of his works led to the opening of the Laumeier Sculpture Park. With his Falling Man, Ernest Trova created one of the defining artistic images of his time.
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Date Added Sunday, October 14th, 2018 at 8:05pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)15S E 734592 N 4282048
Decimal Degrees38.65596667, -90.30405000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 38° 39.358', W 90° 18.243'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds38° 39' 21.48" N, 90° 18' 14.58" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)314, 636
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling West
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 6331 Delmar Blvd, University City MO 63130, US
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