The Gatehouse

The Gatehouse (HM2CPQ)

Location: , Scotland IV63 6XL Highland
Country: United Kingdom
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N 57° 19.456', W 4° 26.529'

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The Gatehouse

This once mighty structure protected the weakest point in Urquhart's defences — its main entrance.
Attackers had to negotiate the rock-cut ditch that was crossed by a drawbridge you can see where its pillars once fitted, either side of the modern bridge.
They Shall Not Pass
The entrance passage was blocked by an iron portcullis that was lowered from above along deep slots or 'chases' in the stonework.
Dealing With Intruders
Rocks and other projectiles could be dropped through 'murder holes' in the wooden ceiling onto the heads of anyone who got past the portcullis. The way ahead was further blocked by two heavy gates.
These defences withstood many sieges, including an assault in 1334, when Urquhart was one of just five Scottish castles to hold out against an English invasion.
( photo captions )
- Left: An artist's impression of the gatehouse being prepared for action in the 1300s.
- Above: A crossbow could fire a bolt like this through plate armour.
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Date Added Sunday, December 9th, 2018 at 7:03pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)30V E 413159 N 6354402
Decimal Degrees57.32426667, -4.44215000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 57° 19.456', W 4° 26.529'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds57° 19' 27.36" N, 4° 26' 31.74" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling North
Closest Postal AddressAt or near Unnamed Road, Scotland IV63 6XL, GB
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