Alexander Graham
Died 16th April 1783
This fountain is erected to perpetuate the memory of Alexander Graham, a native of this town, who, during the years 1743 - 1758, at great pecuniary sacrifice to himself, fought the Royal Burgh of Kirkwall, as representing the convention of Royal Burghs in the Law Courts, and was ultimately successful in obtaining a verdict which freed Stromness from paying cess to Kirkwall, and, at the same time all other towns in Scotland similarly situated were thus delivered from the thraldom of the Royal Burghs.
Andrew Wylie
"The visitor to Stromness
should always remember he is
not simply in a place, he is for
a short time, part of an old
and still unfinished ballad."
George Mackay Brown
This plaque was presented to
Orkney Islands Council
to celebrate the 200th
Anniversary of Stromness
Becoming a Burgh of Barony
29 July 2017
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