Organized May 27, 1905 and opened for business
Sept 12, 1905. The initial capitalization was $15,000
It continued in operation until the Banking Panics of
the Great Depression when it failed along with about
11,000 of 30,000 banks nationally. The bank closed
on May 11, 1933. Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow
were identified by four local eye witnesses, including
town physician, as the individuals robbing this bank
on Sept 22, 1932. Bonnie and Clyde were ambushed
and killed by six law enforcement officers early on the
morning of May 23, 1934, near their hideout in Arcadia,
in North Louisiana. This ended their two year reign of
terror over at least 10 states that included at least 13
murders of primarily police officers.
Ernie W Feierabend, 2012
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