Erected to the memory of Leonard Andrus founder of the village of Grand Detour Illinois 1835. Adjudicator of land claims, ferry operator, carrier of mail and travelers, first commissioner of schools in Ogle County, manufacturer, vestryman, legislator.
In 1837 Leonard Andrus and John Deere built the first Grand Detour steel moldboard plough. The new plough was made in Deere's shop in limited numbers until about 1843, when Andrus established on this site a plough manufactory which he operated until his death in 1867. At different times he had as partners John Deere, H.H. Paine, O.C. Lathrop, Amos Bosworth, and Theron Cumins. The product of this enterprise stimulated farm development throughout the prairie states and was the basis of the steel plow industry. Today others carry on the ideals of the founder.
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