Nellie Sheridan Wilson

Nellie Sheridan Wilson (HM2GLW)

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N 39° 48.409', W 82° 17.966'

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Nellie Sheridan was born into a traditional Irish family but was not content to fill the usual role of a 19th century woman working only inside the home. Somerset's first female postmaster and one of the youngest one in U.S. history, Nellie at 19 sought the office and was first appointed by President Harrison in 1889 to serve until her retirement in 1930. Since postal regulations forbade married women from holding office, Nellie remained single despite having a long-time suitor Thomas C. Wilson. In 1913 Nellie finally married
her ailing fiancé who died within hours of the wedding. Though heartbroken, she resumed her postmaster duties the following morning (many were vying for the job) since there was no postal ruling against widows holding the position. She and her sister were chiefly responsible for the creation and placement of her uncle Phil Sheridan's equestrian bronze in Somerset Square. She ran her own mercantile business (1914-1926)
and benefitted the citizens of Perry County, women in particular as a role model, working in every "civic political enterprise" imaginable. Because she was chairman of the local American Red Cross during WWI, president of Daughters of Union Veterans, secretary of Sheridan Monument Association and more, she
earned a seat on the county Republican Executive Committee as well as the Ohio

Committee for Improvement of Rural Government - truly a woman ahead of her time. Gwen Young (1922-2016) a Somerset mayor, recognized these accomplishments and started the statue project made possible by the generosity of the citizens of Somerset, Perry County, surrounding counties, and these major sponsors: North Valley Bank and Suburban Landfill, a subsidiary of Waste Management.
Year Placed2018
Placed ByCitizens of Somerset, Perry County, North Valley Bank, Waste Management
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Monday, May 6th, 2019 at 2:02pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)17S E 388767 N 4407123
Decimal Degrees39.80681667, -82.29943333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 39° 48.409', W 82° 17.966'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds39° 48' 24.54" N, 82° 17' 57.96" W
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Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling East
Closest Postal AddressAt or near , ,
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