The Pilgerhaus - 1754

The Pilgerhaus - 1754 (HM2IKA)

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N 40° 9.401', W 76° 18.208'

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First House in Lititz

George Klein built a two-story stone house which became the "Pilgerhaus," or Pilgrim's House" to be used as a dwelling for ministers and congregational meetings.

In 1760, the congregational store was located in the Pilgerhaus. It remained here until 1764, when it moved across the street to 120 East Main Street.

The Pilgerhaus was also the first hotel in Lititz. In 1762, the Zum Anker, of "Sign of the Anchor," was originally located here. In 1764, the inn moved to a newly constructed two-story building on the corner of Broad and Main Street and is known today as the General Sutter Inn.

In 1765, this became the home of David Tannenberg, the famous organ builder. He set up his shop in a stone building behind the Pilgerhaus. Here he constructed about forty-five instruments until falling to his death while installing an organ in York in 1804.

From December 19, 1777 to August 28, 1778, about 200 sick and wounded soldiers from General Washington's Army were cared for in the nearby hospital that was established in the Brothers House. Various officers and doctors were quartered in the Pilgerhaus during this time.

In 1862, Rev. Julius Beckler founded Sunnyside College for Girls. He replaced the two-story stone Pilgerhaus with the current three-story brick building (except for the rear stone

wall). A third floor was added. In the back, you can still see the first and second floor made of stone, while the third is made of brick.
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Date Added Monday, July 8th, 2019 at 8:01pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)18T E 388989 N 4445962
Decimal Degrees40.15668333, -76.30346667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 40° 9.401', W 76° 18.208'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds40° 9' 24.06" N, 76° 18' 12.48" W
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