Possessed of both a deep channel and protection by the natural break waters of Sand Point, Escanaba has a top rated natural harbor. Since Escanaba's beginning, the timber trade shipped from this harbor, and the Lake Schooners Fleet dominated the colorful bustling harbor scene. The Schooners were used widely for transporting lumber from Michigan saw mills to points along the Great Lakes. From this very spot, was the dock for the I. Stephenson Co., a logging giant based in Wells.
The Union was a schooner owned by Nate Sanders, an Escanaba fisherman. Nate made 2 to 3 trips to Chicago each fall with the fish he and his brother Jack caught. In one such trip, Nate became involved in a daredevil race with a larger ship. He pushed the Union so hard he "sailed her under" and capsized. Luckily, Nate was one of Delta County's more prosperous fishermen.
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