This Federal house, originally owned by Josiah Purdy, dates from 1818 and was restored in 2010. Initially a dwelling, it is an excellent example of Soho's early period and of a building undergoing substantial changes in use and occupancy throughout its history.
Beginning as early as 1850 the building was expanded and altered to function for commercial purposes. Its original gambrel roof, lifted to its present configuration, and the wood and glass storefront flanking a chamfered entrance were the house's first transformations. This change reflects the transition of what was primarily a residential neighborhood into a commercial, manufacturing and retail neighborhood. Significant changes occurred to the historic brick and wood house throughout the 19th century and well into the next.
In 2006 Croc's Retail with ELAN General Contracting, a design/build company doing work nationwide, and architect William J. Rockwell were permitted by the owners to proceed with the latest transformation, that retains the overall historic building's shape materially and adds a glass addition revealing more of the original house's north elevation.
The face bricks on the Spring Street façade demonstrate the numerous alterations the building has endured. More than half of the restored façade uses original face bricks, which were recycled
as they were in several previous reconstructions occurring between the Civil War and the mid twentieth century.
The contrast of the new and old bricks tells a particular story of the neighborhood and how buildings endure reassembled and restored. The vision and commitment of Crocs Retail throughout the four year restoration process have preserved this historic building for the people of New York.
April 2010
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