The Museum in the Streets
Founding Families
Considered the oldest residence In the village, this house (1750) was known for generations as the Haight family homestead. Owned by Philip Hart, an early entrepreneur, it was purchased in 1795 by Ebenezer Mott, then sold to John Haight Jr. in 1802. The structure is actually two houses combined; one half was moved here when the Haight farm and apple orchard were developed to become Millbrook. Harts Village, an earlier hamlet named for the Hart family, was a busy manufacturing center farther along the road on the east branch of Wappingers Creek, which provided water power for several important and successful mills. This charming 1817 watercolor by Jonathan Thorne depicts the Philip Hart House, outbuildings, and one of his mills. Today Harts Village is part of the Village of Millbrook.
I Primi Residenti
Considerata la piu vecchia residenza del villaggio, questa casa (1750) era conosciuta da generazioni come la masseria della famiglia Haight. Originariamente posseduta da Philip Hart, fu acquistata nel 1795 da Ebenezer Mott, quindi venduta a John Haight Jr. nel 1802. La struttura, due case combinate, una fu trasportata qui quando il frutteto degli Haight fu urbanizzato per diventare Millbrook. Harts Village, un originario borgo nominato per la famiglia di Philip Hart, era un prospero centro manifatturiero
lungo la strada alla destra del Wappingers Creek, che provvedeva l'energia per importanti e lucrosi mulini. L'acquerello di Jonathan Thorne (1817) rappresenta la casa di Philip Hart con le pertinenze ed uno dei suoi mulini. Oggi Harts Village è parte di Millbrook. (Marker Number
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