On their eastbound journey, the Corps of Discovery and several Nez Perce reached the Nezperce Prairie from present-day Peck on May 8, 1806, and camped on "a Small hansom Stream".
On May 9 the party arrived at the root-digging camp of Twisted Hair on the Nezperce Prairie. From here, Pvt. Willard accompanied Twisted Hair and two of his young men to the Clearwater River to retrieve saddles, gunpowder and horses left the previous October. On May 10, the Corps traveled southeast 16 miles across an open and snowy prairie, passing within a mile of Nezpearce, before descending into Lawyers Canyon enroute to Chief Broken Arm's camp near Kamiah. St. Ordway and Privates Frazer and Weiser passed within a mile south of Nezperce on May 27 on their way to Salmon River to obtain fish.
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