Jackson's Raid

Jackson's Raid (HM2N9A)

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N 38° 45.021', W 77° 28.377'

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During the summer of 1862, Manassas Junction became a major supply hub for Union armies operating in Virginia, making it a target for the Confederates. On August 27, Confederate General Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson unleashed his 24,000 troops on the depot here. Soldiers found both staples and delicacies — more than they could eat or carry. What they could not carry off, they often burned.

Jackson's dash to Manassas forced the Union army to retreat from the Rappahannock in pursuit. The federals did not find him here (he left behind only smoldering ruins at the Junction), but five miles north, on the First Manassas battlefield. On August 28, Jackson lured the Union army into battle. Two days later, Lee's army of Northern Virginia achieved a stunning victory at Second Manassas, as the Union army retreated toward Washington.

No pen can describe the rollicking antics of Jackson's men, as they reveled among the good things spread in prodigal profusion around them — in army goods and sutler stores. IT was more than funny to see the ragged, rough, dirty fellows, who had been half living on roasted corn and green apples for days, now drinking Rhine wine, eating lobster salad, potted tongue, cream biscuit, pound cake, canned fruits, and the like...

— John S. Robson, 52nd Virginia



sketch by Union mapmaker Robert Knox Sneden depicts the results of the raid by Jackson's men on Manassas Junction in August, 1862.
— Courtesy of the Virginia Museum of History and Culture

In this October 1863 image, a soldier stands beside the ruins of the Orange and Alexandria Railroad near Bristoe Station. Jackson's men ripped up this rail line during their surprise attack on Manassas Junction in August, 1862.
— Courtesy of the Library of Congress

This painted piece of board is said to be from a railroad car at Manassas Junction prior to its destruction by Stonewall Jackson's troops in 1862. The companion piece to this board resides in the collection of the Atlanta Historical Society.
— Photograph by Don Flory
Manassas Museum Collection
HM NumberHM2N9A
Series This marker is part of the Orange and Alexandria Railroad series
Placed ByCity of Manassas, Virginia
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Saturday, November 30th, 2019 at 1:02pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)18S E 285097 N 4291977
Decimal Degrees38.75035000, -77.47295000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 38° 45.021', W 77° 28.377'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds38° 45' 1.26" N, 77° 28' 22.62" W
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