Naval Battle of Roanoke Island

Naval Battle of Roanoke Island (HM2NH)

Location: Manteo, NC 27954 Dare County
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N 35° 55.647', W 75° 43.412'

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During late January, 1862, a Federal land-sea expedition assembled at Hatteras Inlet to take Roanoke Island and capture control of the North Carolina Sound region. This force was under the joint command of General Ambrose Burnside and navy Flag-Officer Louis Goldsborough. After several delays due to bad weather, the Union fleet, consisting of numerous troop transports and more than 20 war vessels, arrived at the southern end of Roanoke Island. On February 7, 1862, Federal warships (O) bombarded Fort Bartow (J), southernmost of the Confederate defenses. The fort returned the fire but with little effect. The Confederate fleet (N), under Captain W.F.Lynch, waited to engage the Federals behind a line of obstructions (M) placed in Croatan Sound to retard the Federal advance. However, the Confederate fleet, after a sharp engagement which was ended only by darkness, was forced to retire due to a lack of ammunition. On February 8, 1862, the Federal fleet bombarded various positions on Roanoke Island in support of General Burnside's land offensive. After the Union victory on the afternoon of February 8, a detachment of Federal ships under Commander S. C. Rowan was sent into Albemarle Sound in pursuit of the Confederate fleet. The Union forces were now in control of most of the inland waters of north-eastern North Carolina.
HM NumberHM2NH
Year Placed1961
Placed ByArchives and Highway Departments, Confederate Centennial Commission
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Friday, September 26th, 2014 at 1:18pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)18S E 434729 N 3976143
Decimal Degrees35.92745000, -75.72353333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 35° 55.647', W 75° 43.412'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds35° 55' 38.82" N, 75° 43' 24.72" W
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Area Code(s)252
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 802-1098 US-64, Manteo NC 27954, US
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