"The face had an expression of absolute content, of relief, at throwing off a burden such as few men have been called upon to bear —- a burden which few men could have borne." - Recollections of New York Secretary of State Chauncey M. Depew.
President Abraham Lincoln's funeral train arrived in Albany, N.Y. on April 25, 1865. Lincoln laid in state at the old State House where mourners passed by for about 12 hours the next day. It is estimated that 50,000 people stood in line to pay their respects to the slain president. The line of mourners extended from the old State House, located just in front of the current Capitol, all the way down to Broadway.
At 2:00 p.m., six white horses carrying the president's hearse led a procession of dignitaries, citizens, and bands. Bells tolled as the parade of mourners escorted the hearse to the train station on Broadway.
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