Buckland Races

Buckland Races (HM4VZ)

Location: Warrenton, VA 20187 Fauquier County
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N 38° 44.259', W 77° 46.138'

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An Inglorious Skedaddle

For Gen. J.E.B. Stuart and his Confederatecavalry, the 1863 campaigns brought fewervictories against the improving cavalry corpsof the Union Army of the Potomac—that is,until October 19, 1863.

Here on Chestnut Hill the wilyConfederate had set a trap for Gen. JudsonKilpatrick's Union cavalry division. UsingGen. Wade Hampton's cavalry division as bait,Stuart had lured one of Kilpatrick's brigadeshere by retreating from Buckland Mill (5miles east of here) along the Warrenton Turnpike (present-day Route 15/29). The jaw of thetrap was Confederate Gen. Fitzhugh Lee'scavalry division moving north toward Buckland Mill from east of here to cut offKilpatrick's line of retreat.

By 3:30 that afternoon, Stuart's grayclad troopers were coiled to strike on Chestnut Hill as Kilpatrick's unwitting Federalsapproached, when suddenly cannon fireerupted from the east. Lee's Confederateshad struck the Union rear guard at Buckland.At that moment Stuart's three brigadesswooped down on the Federals with a rebelyell, turning an organized retreat into aninglorious skedaddle. Hootin' and hollerin'all the way, Stuart's Rebel horsemen chasedthe fleeing Yankees back to Buckland in anaction that resembled a spirited steeplechaserather than a military operation.

Fortunately for Kilpatrick, his othersupporting brigade was commanded by Gen.George Custer. Sensing the Rebel trap beforeit had been set, Custer delayed his advance toChestnut Hill. By lingering in the vicinity ofBuckland, he thwarted Fitz Lee's attempt tocut off Kilpatrick long enough for most of theFederals to escape.

Although Stuart had to content himself with 250 Yankee prisoners instead oftwo entire brigades, the "Buckland Races"did yield a treasure of amusing yarns forfuture campfires.

This was the last action of the BristoeStation Campaign.
HM NumberHM4VZ
Series This marker is part of the Virginia Civil War Trails series
Placed ByCivil War Trails
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Tuesday, September 23rd, 2014 at 5:19am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)18S E 259326 N 4291304
Decimal Degrees38.73765000, -77.76896667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 38° 44.259', W 77° 46.138'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds38° 44' 15.54" N, 77° 46' 8.28" W
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Area Code(s)703, 540
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 7313 Hazelwood Ct, Warrenton VA 20187, US
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