Army of Northern Virginia
Army of Northern Virginia
First Army Corps Lieutenant General James Longstreet
McLaws's Division Major General Lafayete McLaws
Pickett's Division Major General George E. Pickett
Hood's Division Major General John B. Hood, Major General E.M. Law
Artillery Reserve Ten Batteries Colonel J.B. WatsonJuly 1. McLaws's Division encamped about four miles from Gettysburg a little after dark. Hood's Division reached the same distance about 12 p.m. Law's Brigade on picket at New Guilford. Pickett's Division guarding trains at Chambersburg.
July 2. Moved that portion of the Command which was up to gain the Emmitsburg Road on Union left. Delayed attack until 3:30 p.m. when Law's Brigade joined from New Guilford. McLaw's Division in position facing Union left. About 4 p.m. Hood's Division moved further to the right and took position partially enveloping Union left. The Batteries opened about 4 p.m. upon Union troops on Emmitsburg Road. Hood's Division pressing on left and McLaws's in front. The Union troops were dislodged. The engagement lasted until nearly night with heavy losses. The ground gained on the right was held. The left was withdrawn to first Union position at Peach Orchard.
July 3. Pickett's Division reached the field at 9 a.m. Pickett's Heth's and part of Pender's Division were ordered to form column of assault on Union centre on Cemetery Hill. The Batteries opened about 1 p.m. About 3 p.m. Pickett advanced in good order under a severe fire and was repulsed at the stone wall losing heavily. McLaws's and Hood's Divisions were not seriously engaged and after rectifying their lines remained on the field during the day and night.
July 4. The Corps took up the line of march during the night.
Casualties killed 910 wounded 4339 captured or missing 2290 Total 7539
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