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This church grew fromservices held for Germaninhabitants in Charlestonby Rev. Johann MartinBoltzius in 1734 and Rev.Henry Melchior Muhlenbergin 1742. The cornerstone of the first house ofworship was laid in 1759;the second and presentchurch building wasdedicated in 1818. Dr.John Bachman, notedclergyman, naturalist, andauthor, served as ministerof St. John's 1815 - 1874.During this time, he
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assisted his ornithologistand artist friend JohnJames Audubon, inproducing Birds of Americaand the work entitledVivipavous Quadrupeds of North America. Bachmanwas influential inestablishing the S CLutheran Synod (1824),the Lutheran TheologicalSouthern Seminary (1830),and Newberry College(1856). He died in 1874and is buried inthe church .
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