United States Army
(Front):Born - February-14-1824
Died - February-9-1886
Winfield Scott Hancock
United States Army(Back):Cadet U.S.M.A. July 1, 1840. Brevet Second Lieut. 6th U.S. Infantry July 1, 1844. Second Lieut. June 18, 1846. Regimental Quartermaster June 30, 1848 to October 1, 1849. Regimental Adjutant October 1, 1849 to November 7, 1855. First Lieut. January 27, 1853 to June 5, 1860; Vacated commission June 5, 1860. Captain and Asst. Quartermaster U.S. Army November November 7, 1855. Major and Quartermaster November 30, 1863. Vacated commission August 12, 1864. Brig. General U.S. Army August 12, 1864, "For gallant and distinguished services in the battles of the Wilderness, Spotsylvania, and Cold Harbor, and in all the operations of the Army in Virginia Under Lieut. General Grant." Major General July 26, 1866. Brig. General U.S. Volunteers September 23, 1861. Major General November 29, 1862. Vacated commission July 26, 1866. Brevetted First Lieut. U.S. Army August 20, 1847, "For gallant and meritorious conduct in the Battles of Contreras and Churubusco, Mex." Major General, March 13, 1865, "For gallant and meritorious services in the Battle of Spotsylvania, Va."
The Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled and resolved (joint resolution approved April 21, 1866), "That an addition to the thanks heretofore voted by joint resolution, approved Jan. 28, 1864, to *** and the officers and soldiers of the Army of the Potomac for the skill and heroic valor which at Gettysburg repulsed, defeated and drove back, broken and dispirited the veteran army of the rebellion, the gratitude of the American people, and the thanks of their representatives in Congress are likewise due and are hereby tendered to Major-General Winfield S. Hancock for his gallant, meritorious and conspicuous share in that great and decisive victory."
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