General Albert Sidney Johnston
Army of the Mississippi.
General Albert Sidney Johnston (killed).
General G. T. Beauregard.
First Corps, Maj. Gen. Leonidas Polk.
Second Corps, Maj. Gen. Braxton Bragg.
Third Corps, Maj. Gen. Wm J. Hardee, (Wounded).
Reserve Corps, Brig. Gen. John C. Breckinridge.The Confederate Army, known as the "Army of the Mississippi," with a total of officer and men present for duty, 43,968, marched from Corinth and deployed in line of battle Saturday, April 5, 1862. General Hardee's Corps formed the first line at right angles with the Corinth Road near Wood's field. General Bragg's Corps formed the second line 800 yards in rear of the first. General Polk's Corps was in column of brigades in front of General Johnston's headquarters established at junction of Bark and Corinth Roads. General Breckinridge's Corps was in rear along the road toward Mickey's.
The battle commenced at 4.55 a.m. Sunday, April 6, 1863, by an attack upon Hardee's picket post in front of his center. The Confederates advancing, drove the Union army slowly back all day, capturing four division camps, and at dark held a position extending from the Tennessee River south of Dill Branch to mouth of Tilghman Creek. General Johnston was mortally wounded at 2.30 p.m. and General Beauregard took command. The Union army was reenforced during the night. On Monday the Confederates were in turn driven back until at 4 p.m. April 7, 1862 they retired from the field.
The casualties, in the Army of the Mississippi, during the battle were, killed 1728, wounded 8012, missing 959; Total 10699.
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