Battery Gregg is named in honor of Captain John C. Gregg, who served as Captain in the 4th Infantry and was killed in action near Mariquana, Philippine Islands, on March 31, 1899. Completed in December 1900, Battery Gregg was the fourth of Fort Mott's five batteries to be constructed. This battery contained emplacements for two 5-inch rapid fire guns (model 1900) mounted on pedestal mounts with shields. Both guns were not mounted at the battery until 1906. In 1913, they were removed and later shipped to Benica Arsenal, California. Several years after the guns were removed a Battery Commander's Station was built on emplacement No. 1 for the 10-inch guns of Battery Harker.
Battery Gregg's 5-inch rapid fire guns.
Test firing of the guns in 1907 shattered windows on the post and neighboring farms. The 5-inch rapid fire guns were produced at the Watervliet Arsenal, N.Y., and were designed to have all-around (360?) fire capability. Fort personnel reported that when the guns were installed, the field of view was obstructed by newly planted trees on the reservation.
Battery Commander's Station.
By 1920 the Battery Commander's Station was built to direct the fire of the 10-inch guns in Battery Harker. This structure, and a similar one built in Battery Krayenbuhl for Battery Arnold . . . . provided a place for the Battery Commander to supervise the operation of his guns. He would check the work of the plotting room by setting his sighting instrument where the target should be and note the accuracy of the plot. He would also spot the fall of the shot and make any corrections needed to bring the fire of his Battery on target.
5-inch gun: Model 1900 ? ? Class 56 ? Division 10
Overall Length ? ? 258.5 Inches (21 ft, 6½ in.)
Weight of Gun ? ? ? 11,120 Pounds
Muzzle Velocity ? ? 2,600 Feet Per Second
Maximum Range ? ?? ? ? 12,918 Yards (7.33 miles)
Weight of Projectile ? ?? 59 Pounds
Weight of Powder Charge ? ? 22.25 Pounds
Chamber Pressure ? ?? ? 36,000 Pounds Per Square Inch
Muzzle Energy ?? ? ? ? ? 2,721 Foot Tons
5-inch Barbette Carriages: Model 1903 ? Class 6 Division 6
Firing Angle ? ? -5 to +15 Degrees
Traverse ? ? ? ? ? 360 Degrees
Weight of Carriage ? ? 21,573.5 Pounds
Type of Sight ? ? 3-inch Telescope Model 1904
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