The 5-inch gun platforms, finished in the summer of 1899, had to be changed to conform to changes in the type of gun mount to be installed. The platforms had to be cut down approximately one foot, and the new platform was ready by December 2, 1899. The battery was finally turned over to the artillery the next year in December, 1900. Two 5-inch rapid fire guns (model 1897, no's 6 and 8, Watervliet Arsenal) were mounted on a pair of 5-inch Barbette balanced-pillar mounts (Model 1896, no's 24 and 25, Detrick and Haarey Machine Co.). The guns were capable of achieving all-around fire with a maximum depression of 3" and maximum elevation 18?.
5-inch gun: ? Model 1897
Overall Length ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 231.5 inches (19' -3_")
Weight of Gun ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 7,583 Pounds (over 3_ tons)
Muzzle Velocity ? ? ? ? ? ? 2600 Feet Per Second
Maximum Range ? ? ? ? ? ? 10,431 yards (5.9 miles)
Weight of Projectile ? ? ? ? 58 pounds
Weight of Powder Charge ? ? ? ? ? ? 16.4 pounds
Chamber Pressure (Maximum) ? ? 38,000 pounds per square inch
Muzzle Energy ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2,721 foot tons
5-inch Barbette balanced-pillar mounts: ? Model 1896
Firing Angle ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? -4.10 to +14.40 degrees
Traverse ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 360 degrees
Weight of Carriage ? ? ? 48,809 pounds
? ? ? with counterweight
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