The Fifth Corps, Army of the Potomac

The Fifth Corps, Army of the Potomac (HMF8)

Location: Fredericksburg, VA 22401
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Country: United States of America
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N 38° 17.591', W 77° 28.07'

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To commemorate the valor of the Fifth Corps, Army of the Potomac, and in loving memory of its heroic dead this monument has been erected by Major General Daniel Butterfield, U.S.V., its commander on this field December 13th 1862.

Organized July 22, 1862, disbanded June 1, 1865.Casualties 35708."Brave Companions Tried and True" —Commanders: Porter · Hooker · Butterfield · Meade · Sykes · Warren · Griffin.

(List of Battles)Hanover Court House · Mechanicsville · Gaines Mill · New Market · Malvern Hill · Second Bull Run · Antietam · Fredericksburg · Chancellorsville · Gettysburg · Wilderness · Spottsylvania · North Anna · Bethesda Church · Cold Harbor · Hatchers Run · Five Forks · Appomattox.

Regiments, Batteries and Organizations officially serving with the Fifth Army Corps between July 22nd, 1862, and June 1st, 1865.
United States Army.Infantry: 1st (Co. G), 2d, 9d, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 14th, 17th, 19th.Cavalry: 5th. · Artillery: 1st (Batt's E, G), 2d (Batt. A), 3rd (Batt's F. K), 4th (Batt. B), 5th (Batt's D, G, I, K).
New York.Infantry: 5th, 10th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 17th, 25th, 44th, 76th, 83d, 84th, 91st, 94th, 95th, 97th, 104th, 140th, 146th, 147th, 185th, 187th, 188th, 189th, 1st Sharpshooters. · Artillery: 1st (Batt's B, C, D, E, H, L), 15th Lt. Batt., 4th Heavy, 6th Heavy, 15th Heavy
Pennsylvania.Infantry: 11th, 39th, 56th, 13th, 83d, 88th, 90th, 91st, 107th, 114th, 118th, 121st, 123d, 126th, 129th, 131st, 133d, 134th, 142d, 143d, 149th, 150th, 155th, 187th, 190th, 191st, 198th, 210th, Penn Reserves 1st, 2d, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th.Cavalry: 3d, 4th, 16th 17th, 21st. · Artillery: 1st Light (Batt B).
Massachusetts.Infantry: 9th, 12th, 13th, 16th, 8th, 22d, 32d, 39th, 61st, 2d Co. Sharpshooters. · Cavalry: 1st. · Artillery: Light Batt's C, E, I.
Maryland.Infantry: 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, Parnell Legion.
Maine.Infantry: 2d, 16th, 20th, 1st Sharpshooters.
Michigan.Infantry: 1st, 4th, 16th, 24th, Brady Sharpshooters.
Delaware.Infantry: 3d, 4th, 8th.
Wisconsinl.Infantry: 2d, 6th, 7th Independent Battalion.
Indiana.Infantry: 7th, 19th.
Rhode Island.Cavalry: 1st. · Artillery: 1st Light (Batt C).
Ohio.Artillery: 1st Light (Batt L).

Presented to the Fredericksburg and adjacent Battlefields Memorial Park Association. Corner-stone laid by Fredericksburg Lodge No. 3 A.F.& A.M. May 25th, 1900, in the presence of William McKinley, President of the United States, and the monument was dedicated by that lodge May 30th, 1901.
HM NumberHMF8
Year Placed1901
Placed ByMajor General Daniel Butterfield, U.S.V
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Thursday, September 25th, 2014 at 2:10pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)18S E 284180 N 4241226
Decimal Degrees38.29318333, -77.46783333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 38° 17.591', W 77° 28.07'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds38° 17' 35.46" N, 77° 28' 4.20" W
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Area Code(s)540
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 701-707 Sunken Rd, Fredericksburg VA 22401, US
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