The military post, established in 1862near downtown Tucson, was moved tothis location in 1873. One of manyactive forts on the Arizona frontier,Lowell served also as a major supplydepot, influencing the economy andsocial life of the community. At itspeak in the 1880's, three companies ofinfantry and two troops of cavalry -more than 250 officers and soldiers- were stationed here. The need forFort Lowell steadily declined afterGeronimo's surrender in 1886 and,despite local protest, it was closedby the army in 1891.
Spanish Translation Marker
Fuerte de LowellEl fuerte de militar, establecido cerca del centro de Tucs?n en 1862, se traslader? a este sitio en 1873. Uno de los fuertos m activos en la frontera de Arizona, serv?a tambi?n de almac?n militar moyor, contribuyendo a la vida social y econ?mica de la comunidad. Entre 1880 y 1890, al colmo de su importancia, ten?a tres compa??as de infanter?a y dos de caballer?a - 250 oficiales y solodados. Despu del rendimiento de Ger?nimo en 1886, Lowell hac?a menos falta. A pesar de quejas locales, el ej?rcito lo cerr? en 1891.
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