The setting was the small village ofOrangeburgh. May 11,1781. Cannonsroared as a vital sequence of theAmerican-British Revolution took place within the boundries of theOrangeburgh District.
The two old cannons before youplayed a vital part in making the Orangeburgh District free of Britishtyranny and alive with the Americanfreedom we enjoy today.
Under command of General Sumter, Capt. Henry Felder's Militia Company(including seven of Capt. Felder's sons) guided Sumter's troops by wayof the Belleview Road, down RussellStreet and into Orangeburgh village.Firing cannons along the way, Capt.Felder's troops defeated the BritishMilitia and gained control of theOrangeburgh post.
These cannons were Capt. HenryFelder's pride and joy. For may yearsthere could be seen, plainly cut, onthese old guns "HP" on one and "H. Felder 1781" on the other.
Felder was a staunch, patriotic man who brought love of liberty from hisnative Swiss land. He spoke of hisfatherland with pride and was willingto risk all, rather then submit to thetyrannies of the British. Nearing theend of the Revolution Capt. Felderwas killed by British tories whiledefending his home. He is gone, butto this day, the freedom he fought and died for in the village of Orangeburgh lives within us all.
By: Kelly H.S. Felder
May 11, 1989
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