The venerable Hotel Congress, designed by well-known architect, Roy Place, is the last surviving historic hotel in downtown Tucson. This three-story landmark was built in 1919 with exposed masonry construction and marble details. The hotel, south of the railroad depot, was convenient to railroad passengers arriving in Tucson. The elegant lobby and dining room provided a degree of refinement for winter visitors on their western adventure. A January 1934 fire destroyed the original third floor and inadvertently resulted in the capture of John Dillinger and his gang several days later. The Hotel Congress and the Rialto Theatre defined the east end of the commercial district on Congress Street.
Spanish Translation:
Hotel CongressEl reconocido Hotel Congress, obra del afamado arquitecto, Roy Place, es el ?nico sobreviviente de los hotels historicos del centro de Tucson. Este edificio de tres pisos fue construido en 1919 de ladrillo a la vista con detalles de m?rmol. El hotel, al sur de la estaci?n del ferrocarril, era conveniente para pasajeros llegando a Tucson por tren. La recepci?n y comedor elegantes ofrec?an un alto grado de refinamiento a los visitantes que durante el invierno ven?an a su aventura del oeste. Un incendio en enero de 1934 destruy? el tercer piso e inadvertidamente llev? a la captura de John Dillinger y su pandilla pocos d?as despu. El Hotel Congress marcaban el limite oriental del sector comercial de Tucson.
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