[South side]:
Born in Charleston, S.C.
December 8, 1829,
Died in Columbia, S.C.,
October 6, 1867.
[East side]:
This memorial has been erected with the proceeds of the recent sale of very large editions of the author's poems by the Timrod Memorial Association of S.C.
"Genius like Egypt's monarch timely wise erects its own memorial ere it dies."
[North side]:
Sleep sweetly in your humble graves
Sleep martyrs, of a fallen cause
Though yet no marble column craves
The pilgrim here to pause
In seeds of laurel in the earth
The blossom of your fame is blown
And somewhere, waiting for its birth
The shaft is in the stone
Stoop, angels, hither from the skies!
There is no holier spot of ground
Than where defeated valor lies
By morning beauty crowned!
[West side]:
Through clouds and through sunshine
In peace and in war amid the stress
Of poverty and the storms of civil
Strife his soul never faltered
and his purpose never failed. To his
Poetic mission he was faithful to
The end. In life and in death he was
"not disobedient unto the heavenly vision."
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