Brig. Gen. W. S. Featherston ~ Loring's div. It consisted of the 40th, 31st, 22d, 3d & 33d regts., (deployment sequence W. to E.) Stigler's sharpshooters in skirmish line. Brigade was on extreme rt. of Stewart's A.C., joining Hardee's A.C. which prolonged the line E. to Clear Cr.
Featherston's [CS] assault struck the fronts of Coburn's & Wood's brigades [US] in the ravine N. of Collier Rd. ~ his right regts. vainly attempting to enter a gap between Wood's & Kimball's brigades, in which action Col. J.L. Drake, 33d Miss. was slain. Repelled by counter-assaults, brigade withdrew S. of rd., which the Federals held against repeated attempts to retake it.
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