Helicopter 17338 "The Jefferson Airplane" served inVietnam from 1968-1972 with the 92nd Assault HelicopterCompany (AHC) "Stallions"' with the 190th AHC, and the17th Calvary, A Troop, 1st Aviation Brigade
The US Army infantry units transported were the 173rdAirborne Brigade, 101 st Airborne Division, 1st CavalryDivision, 4th Infantry Division, 198th Light InfantryBrigade, 199th Light Infantry Brigrade, 5th SpecialForces, and The United States Marine Corp.
Areas of Operations included Pleiku, The Central Highlands,Dak To, Ben Het, Kontum, Ban Me Thuot, An Khe and theentire II Corps. This included the coastal region to thejungle plateau region near the Cambodian border. II Corpsconsisted of the coastal areas, farmland, plains, and humidtriple canopy jungle and high mountains that had beenstrongholds of the communists for years.
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