(Side A)
One mile south, site of The First Cedar Creek Baptist Church, second Baptist church consituted in Ky., July 5, 1781, fifth anniversary of Declaration of Independence. Pioneer settlers of nearby Rogers Station, 1780, Col. James Rogers, first judge, Nelson Co., Atkinson Hill, Judge James Slaughter, and Mathew, William, Jonathan Rogers among founders of the church.
(Side B)
First pastor, 1781, was Reverend Joseph Barnett, assisted by John Garrard. They were followed in about 1785 by Rev. Joshua Morris, who served the church many years. First structure was a log cabin replaced by brick when Peter Able and Saml. Ross, trustees, secured two and one-half acres from John Troutman in 1856. Additions to the brick building, 1949, 1962.
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