When local segration forced the withdrawalof Afro-Cubans from El Club Nacional Cubano,an organization of black and white Cubansinvolved in Cuban independence, Afro-Cubancigarmakers founded a society in 1900 as LosLibres Pensadores de Marti y Maceo. RupertoPedroso, well known Afro-Cuban patriot, wasamong the 23 original founders. The clubmerged with La Union in 1904, resulting in thenew name, La Union Marti-Maceo. In 1909members completed construction of a two-story clubhouse at 11th St. and 6th Ave. With anaverage membership of about 300, the cluboffered full medical benefits and a stipend forsick members, as well as social, cultural, andeducational activities. During the depressionof the 1930s, many Afro-Cubans left Tampa.Membership declined and benefits were reduced, but the club continued in operation.Urban Renewal demolished the original building in 1965, and members moved to thepresent location. By the late 1960s, few membersremained and it appeared the organizationwould cease to exist. In the early 1970s the return of a large number of retirees who hadleft Ybor City as children, resulted in increased membership and a revitalizationof the organization.
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