In 1934 Middleton Senior High School, named for George S. Middleton, opened on 24th and Chelsea Streets in East Tampa as the first high school for African Americans in Hillsborough County. Previously, Booker T. Washington School had accommodated both junior and senior high students.
Middleton Senior High School experienced two fires in 1940 and 1968. When the 1940 fire destroyed the school, Charles Boyer, Tampa Urban League Executive Secretary secured government support through the Works Progress Administration (WPA) for new building funds.
In 1971, the Hillsborough County desegregation plan formed Middleton Junior High School. In 1993, Middleton was renamed A.J. Ferrell Middle School of Technology, the first in Hillsborough County to provide Internet access in every classroom.
S. Howard Newsome (1934-1940), C.B. Bryant (1940-1947), G.V. Stewart (1947-1959) and A.J. Ferrell (1959-1971) served as principals of MSHS.
A new Middleton Senior High School located at 22nd Street and Osborne Avenue became a reality under the alumni group headed by President Fred Hearns. Principal Henry "Shake" Washington opened the school on June 30, 2000.
February 8, 2003
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