In the Dec. 4, 1818 Georgia Journal directors of the Bank of the State of Georgia at Savannah announced a meeting on Jan. 1, 1819 to appoint 7 directors and a cashier for the branches established at Eatonton and Greensborough. Branch Banks were already in operation in Augusta, Washington and Milledgeville. Directors appointed for the Eatonton branch were: John J. Smith, Irby Hudson, William Flournoy, Thomas Hoxey, Wilson Williams. A.(ugustus) Haywood and W.(illie) Abercrombie. John Hudson was made cashier. The cashier advertised for bids to build a brick building, Feb. 16, 1819.
Lot no. 4, Square D is directly opposite this marker. The Branch Bank at Eatonton purchased the western half of the lot Aug. 28, 1819 and the eastern half Feb. 13, 1823. There is no definite information for any bank building until 1847 when Tunis Tunison and James M. Broadfield erected a two story brick building as a business house and residence for the cashier.
When the bank failed in 1866 the property was turned over to the Bank of the State of Georgia at Savannah. Their assignees sold it to George W. Wardwell Sept. 24, 1869. With little remodeling and few additions the building became the residence of Mr. Wardwell and his family until 1962. The property was then sold for commercial use and the house was demolished.
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