— " Most Precious Offering " —
( Individual Plaques - Left to Right )
SPC Luke P. Frist209th Quartermaster Co., Lafayette, INUnited States Army ReserveJanuary 5, 2004, Ar Ramadi, Iraq
Marine Cpl. Bryan Scott Wilson2nd Battalion, 11th Marine Regiment1st Marine Div. 1st Marine Exp. ForceDec. 1, 2004, Al Anbar Province, Iraq
Army Spc. Matthew C. Frantz1st Special Troops Battalion1st Brigade Combat Team101st Airborne Division MIJanuary 20, 2006, Huwijah, Iraq
Army Cpl. Nathaniel S. Baughman1st Battalion, 187th Infantry Regiment3rd Brigade Combat Team101st Airborne DivisionJuly 17, 2006, Bayji, Iraq
Army Cpl. Cody Putman4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne)25th Infantry Division,40th Cavalry RegimentApril 12, 2007, Baghdad, Iraq
Sgt. Andrew R. Weiss1st Battalion, 5th CavalryRegiment, 2nd Brigade, 1stCavalry DivisionMay 3, 2007, Baghdad, Iraq
( Art-work Plaque )
" Most Precious Offering " ? 2006
Created by artist, Saundra Whiddon, to honor the courage andsacrifice of all parents who from infancy held and nurtured thesoldier and now, for the sake of other, must let him go. In thefinal goodbye, the parents exhibit purpose and unspeakableselflessness.
The infant is portrayed as vulnerable and yet secure in thehands of his parents. He is swaddled in the American Flag. Thehand of his father lifts him up with great determination andpurpose; using his strength to hold the head of the infant securely for the entire journey. The mother's hand, by contrast,forms a nurturing pose as she reluctantly and slowly lifts herchild toward the heavens. The infant is simultaneously emittinga cry of victory and of separation with which the artist hopesto show the ambivalence even the bravest soldier feels whencalled to war. He clutches the American flag against his chestwith one hand clinging to those things that are familiar. Withthe other hand, he raises his flag toward the Creator showing the courage that soldiers exhibit when they dare to reachhigher than others! ? 2006
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