"...around the spot where the monument was erected...to the best recollection 113 of our regiment were killed and wounded...it is hoped that the monument will remain standing as a memorial to the gallant and patriotic men of General Hazen's brigade who fell...in defense of Union and Liberty."
Edward Crebbin, 1st Lieutenant, 9th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, in charge of building the Hazen Monument in 1863
It may surprise you to learn that the monument you see on most Civil War battlefields were built 30 or more years after Appomattox. As battlefield veterans entered the final chapter of their lives, they wanted to honor and preserve the memory of the sacrifices they had seen.
The Hazen Brigade Monument you see ahead is unlike any other. Union soldiers built it in 1863, just six months after the battle. At that time, the outcome of the war was still impossible to predict. Comrades of the men buried here - not civilian contractors - laid up these stones. Before the famous marble monuments at Shiloh, Chickamauga, or Gettysburg existed, travelers riding the Nashville & Chattanooga railroad would see this somber stonework - a constant reminder of what it cost Hazen's Brigade to stand fast all day long at Stones River.
It is the oldest intact Civil War monument in the nation.
Soldiers Buried Here
6th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry
United States Army
September 1861 - January 1865
Franz Bassel - John Lenhart
William Buck - Albert McFarland
James Davis - Thomas Nicolas
Calvin Hart - Joseph Parish
Harrison Hughes - James Porter
Lovy Kidwell
41st Ohio Volunteer Infantry
United States Army
October 1861 - November 1865
Henry Cardwell - John Martly
George Cotton - Joshua McKee
Charles Hitner - James Mulberry
Joseph Kram - Bernard Schneller
Joseph Maas - Charles Todd
Adam Mans
9th Indiana Volunteer Infantry
United States Army
September 1861 - September 1865
Jesse Quick - John Wagoner - Isaac Sinks
Emmer Rossiter - Landon Forquar - George Weathers
Henry Simmons - Daniel Hall - Daniel Willis
Jeremiah Snyder - Jonathan Herald - Charles Zollers
Ebaneze Troutman - George Huyler
Sylvester Winchester - Henry Kesler
Joel Strong - Orton Shore
110th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
United States Army
September 1862 - June 1865
Jesse Payne
James Rice
Willis Strickling
Unknown soldier from Illinois
Unknown soldier from Illinois
Colonel William B. Hazen
This 31-year old, no-nonsense West Pointer commanded a brigade of four volunteer infantry regiments: the 6th Kentucky, the 41st Ohio, the 9th Indiana, and the 110th Illinois. Over 400 of Hazen's troops fell in battle here at Stones River.
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