Looking over this parapet, you can still see some 1,400 feet of earthwork walls stretching out before you. In 1863 Fortress Rosecrans had more than 14,000 feet of walls surrounding a compound that covered 200 acres.
Lunette Thomas
This earthwork defense, the curtain walls, and Lunette Palmer in the distance are all that is left of this side of Fortress Rosecrans.
We have taken our position here and we intend to hold it. There is not a man among us who fears for the moment that we may be driven out no matter what force the Rebels may bring against.
Lyman Widney, sergeant-major
14th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
....the fortifications... are a big thing. I never saw anything like them before. They are said to be the strongest in the world except for one place in Russia.
Hiram M. Gibbs, captain
21st Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry
All the forces....have been drawn in near the fortifications which are very numerous and of such strength that I think 50,000 can hold the place against 100,000.
Alpheus S. Bloomfield, private
1st Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery
It would Supprise you if you was here to See the amount of work that has been done by this army i seen heavy fortification at fort donelson and bowling green but they are Small works... these works [are] ready for [a] fite any time. i dont think the rebels will ever fite us here...
James H. Jones, private
57th Indiana Volunteer Infantry
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