Colonel Nathan Bedford Forrest's CavalryOn February 12, 1862, Forrest's Cavalry engaged in maneuvers to delay the advance of the Federal force on Fort Donelson. Observing the change of direction made by McClernand's Division after the encounter along the main highway between Forts Donelson and Henry, Colonel Forrest rapidly moved his cavalry to Indian Creek to intercept the Federal advance along the Indian Creek Road. A little over 1 1-2 miles southwest of this point, where the road descends from the hills toward the creek.
Two of Forrest's squadrons dismounted and deployed as skirmishers astride this road and soon engaged a greatly superior force to enable them to withdraw, Forrest ordered a charge. Three squadrons of Forrest's left, under Major D.C. Kelly, executed the charge. The Federal cavalry, in conformity with orders, wheeled out of the way before the charge and passed through the intervals of the line of skirmishers of the 8th Illinois which had deployed behind the cavalry. The infantry opened a terrific fire of musketry at short range against the charging Confederate cavalry. Schwartz's Battery which arrived on the scene just in time also went into action, and assisted in breaking up the Confederate attack. Forrest then withdrew his troops behind the shelter of the fort.
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