This rare example of a 19th century Chinese benevolent society hall conformed to a Chee Kung Tong tradition that placed services to members on the ground floor and formal functions above. With its hostel, kitchen, and meeting and ceremonial spaces, this hall offered members a refuge where they could find support, work, and shelter. The benevolent services, ceremonies and celebrations, and membership rules of the Chee Kung Tong fostered a sense of belonging in many Chinese and helped promote interpersonal and business relationships in early Canadian Chinatowns.
L'?difice Chee Kung Tong
Ce rare exemple d'?difice Chee Kung Tong du XIXe si?cle se conformait ? une tradition de cette soci?t? de bienfaisance chinoise, le rez-de-chaussee logeant les services aux membres et l'?tage, les fonctions officielles. Dortoir, cuisine, salles de rencontre et de culte devenaient un refuge o? trouver soutien, travail et abri. Les r?gles d'adhion, les services charitables, les c?r?monies et les c?l?brations de la soci?t? favoris?rent l'essor d'un sentiment d'appartenance chez de nombreux immigrants chinois et la pormotion des relations personnelles et commerciales au sein des premiers quartiers chinois du Canada.
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