Copper Peak Chippewa Hill

Copper Peak Chippewa Hill (HMUAA)

Location: Ironwood, MI 49938 Gogebic County
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N 46° 35.921', W 90° 5.304'

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At an altitude of more than 1500 feet, 300 feet above the surrounding terrain, this location was the southernmost area in Michigan to offer a prospect of producing copper in commercial amounts. The Chippewa Copper Mining Company began work here in 1845, sinking a still-visible tunnel into the granite rock. No copper was ever produced, although around 1900 the Old Peak Company made further explorations. In 1970 a 280-foot ski slide, the highest in the world, was completed on the peak in time for the western hemisphere's first international ski flying tournament here. Skiers record flights of nearly 500 feet from this slide.
Series This marker is part of the Michigan: Michigan Historical Commission series
Marker Number292
Year Placed1974
Placed ByMichigan History Division, Department of State
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Saturday, October 11th, 2014 at 9:38pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)15T E 723002 N 5164687
Decimal Degrees46.59868333, -90.08840000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 46° 35.921', W 90° 5.304'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds46° 35' 55.26" N, 90° 5' 18.24" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)906
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 145 Black River Harbor Pkwy, Ironwood MI 49938, US
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