Las Placitas

Las Placitas (HMUKT)

Location: Placitas, NM 87043 Sandoval County
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N 35° 18.069', W 106° 28.308'

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[English text]
The Sandia Mountains have been occupied by human beings for thousands of years. This area was settled by 1767, when Governor Pedro Fermin de Mendinueta made the land grant known as La Merced de San Antonio de las Huertas. The area is called "las placitas" because it contains several villages, also known as "plazas." Descendants of the stockmen and farmers who first settled the grant still live in the vicinity.

[Spanish text]
Por milenos, seres humanos han ocupado la Sierra Sandia. En 1767 el Gobernador Pedro Fermin de Mendinueta concedio La Merced de San Antonio de las Huertas, en la cual estaban ubicadas varias aldeas o "placitas" — origen del nombre actual. Los primeros pobladores eran rancheros y labradores, cuyos descendientes todavia habitan la vecindad.
Placed ByNew Mexico Historic Preservation Division
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Thursday, September 4th, 2014 at 6:01am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)13S E 366184 N 3907433
Decimal Degrees35.30115000, -106.47180000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 35° 18.069', W 106° 28.308'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds35° 18' 4.14" N, 106° 28' 18.48" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)505
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 4 Vista De Oro, Placitas NM 87043, US
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