In memory of
a distinguished
American solider,
citizen of St. Augustine, Fla.
Born December 4, 1818.
Died December 30, 1885.
His courage in battle
was conspicuous;
His devotion to duty unfailing;
His ability recognized
by three governments.
He commanded the first
trans-continental march;
convoying to California,
in safety an emigrant
train of three hundred
wagons through pathless
and hostile territory;
an unsurpassed record,
this memorial is erected by
Anna Dummett Chapter
Daughters of the Confederacy,
and friends;
That the record of his life
may be an inspiration
to American youth.
(Left):Confederate States Army 1861-1865
Brigadier General May 1861.
Major General February 1862.
(Right):Florida Troops 1832-1838:
"The Boy Soldier."
United States Army 1846-1861:
Captain, Major, Colonel.
(Back):The Loring Memorial
Site for memorial given to
Anna Dummett chapter,
Daughters of the Confederacy, inc.
July 3, 1920.
Re-interment of General Loring
beneath this site
July 8, 1920.
Obelisk erected
July 13, 1920.
Dedicated and unveiled
December 30, 1920.
The State of Florida
granted an appropriation to
Anna Dummett Chapter
Daughters of the Confederacy, inc.
to aid in completing this memorial
May 24, 1921.
Bronze given by State Museum
University of Florida
Egyptian Army 1869-1879
Fereek Pacha, highest military rank Egypt could give to a foreigner.
Commended to Khedive of Egypt by General U.S. Grant, U.S.A.
(Plaque at Base):William Wing Loring
Hero of Four Wars - Fought under three flags - travler - author
born in Wilmington, New Hanover Co., North Carolina, Dec. 4, 1818.
Became a resident of Florida in 1825
Volunteer in Seminole Indian War in 1831
Second Lieutenant, Florida volunteers, June 16, 1837
Representative in Florida legislature 1842-1845
Admitted to the bar in 1842
United States Flag
Volunteer in U.S. Army in 1842
Captain of mounted riflemen in 1842
Lost left arm in battle at Mexico City in 1847
Lieutenant Colonel, mounted riflemen, March 15, 1848
Commander Department of Oregon in 1849
Escort of six hundred mule teams across western plains in 1849
Commander Department of Rio Grande in 1851
Colonel in 1856
Toured the old world in 1859-1860
Confederate States Flag
Brigadier General May 20, 1861
Major General in 1862
Banker in New York City 1866-1869
Egyptian Flag
Grand Commander, the Osmanli, by the Khedive of Egypt, in 1869
Brigadier General Lewan Pacha, in 1869
Inspector General in 1870
Commander-in-chief of Army and Navy in 1870
Fereek Pacha, highest military grade in Egypt and Turkey, Dec. 1, 1875
Grand officer the Medjidieh in 1875
Author of book on Egypt in 1884
Died in New York City, December 30, 1886
Buried at St. Augustine, Florida, March 18, 1887
Tablet placed at his grave, by the Florida State Museum,
May 5, 1920
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