Three fortifications occupied this site. The first (1764-1779) and second (c. 1783-1803), located at lower levels, were abandoned when ice and water inundated the works. The third Fort Erie, built between 1805 and 1808, was repaired in January 1814 but was captured by an invading American army in July of that same year. The Americans used it as a base for subsequent operations, retreated here after their defeat at Lundy's Lane, survived a siege by the British in August and September, and destroyed the fort on November 5, 1814. It was rebuilt by the Niagara Parks Commission in 1937-1939.
I1 y eut trois forts successifs ? cet endroit. Le premier (1764-1779) et le deuxi?me (cir. 1783-1803), sit?us en contrebas, furent abandonn apr avoir ?t? envahis par les glaces. Le troisi?me fort ?ri?, construit de 1805-1808, fut r?par? en janvier 1814. Le 3 juillet de cette ann?e, des forces am?ricaines s'en empar?rent et en firent leur base d'op?ration. Il s'y repli?rent apr leur d?faite ? Lundy's Lane et y soutinrent avec succ le si?ge des Britanniques en ao?t et septembre. Les Am?ricains ras?rent le fort ?ri? le 5 novembre 1814. La Commission des parcs du Niagara l'a reconstruit de 1937 ? 1939.
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