The Old Tishomingo Hotel

The Old Tishomingo Hotel (HMYXC)

Location: Corinth, MS 38834 Alcorn County
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N 34° 56.04', W 88° 31.29'

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A look at Civil War Corinth

— —through the eyes of wartime artists and photographers —

Here, at the hub of activity in 1862, stood the Tishomingo Hotel. The railway station (hidden by the train) is at the crossing of the Mobile & Ohio and Memphis & Charleston railroads. The Tishomingo was popular as an unofficial railway station and following the Battle of Shiloh it housed a Confederate hospital. Union forces occupying Corinth continued its use as a hospital.

Visible in this photograph, taken after the Confederates abandoned Corinth on May 29, 1862, is a small photographer's studio attached to the hotel on the left. In the distance, to the right, are Batteries Williams and Robinett (out of the picture). In January, 1865, the Tishomingo burned to the ground, destroyed by retreating Confederates.
Placed ByCorinth is part of the Civil War Discovery Trail
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Friday, October 3rd, 2014 at 10:47am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16S E 361043 N 3866780
Decimal Degrees34.93400000, -88.52150000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 34° 56.04', W 88° 31.29'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds34° 56' 2.40" N, 88° 31' 17.40" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)601, 662
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 400-498 Cruise St, Corinth MS 38834, US
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