1. Joseph Berry's Fort - West Bath; 2. Col. Noble's Fort - Pleasant Cove, built in 1734, a stockade with a guard house at each corner and another within the enclosure. "Without its protection the farmers did not dare work their fields."; 3. Clarke + Lake's Fort - Spring Cove; 4. Arrousic Fort - Manaskoux; 5. John Watt's Fort - Green Point; 6. Samuel Denny's Fort - Butler's Cove; 7. Col. Noble also built a garrison at Georgetown, "the danger from the Indians being extreme."; 8. Fort at Cox's Head. A brick fort and barracks for 105 Soldiers and 4 cannon was constructed in 1812; 9. Fort St. George - Sabino Head. Built by the Popham Colony in 1607; 10. Fort Popham - Hunniwall's Point. Also the site of an earlier fort built about 1744, which had a blockhouse with one four pound cannon. When Arnold came by in 1775 there were soldiers on duty here, one of whom went as pilot to guide the fleet up the Kennibec; 11. Fort Baldwin on Sabino Hill. A modern twentieth century fort, built in 1905. It included batteries, administration building, storehouse, hospital, guardhouse and wharf, all so concealed as to look like a peaceful, wooden knoll; 12. Fort Sagadahoc - Stage Island; 13. Fort Ancient Augusta - Small Point Harbor. Built by a Dr. Noyer in 1718, "one hundred feet square, for the purpose of protecting the inhabitants from the Indians." Traces of the foundations remain.
[Made by S. W. Hilton, 1960s?]
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