Showing historical markers tagged with Communications
Showing results 1 to 10 of 1325
Here repose the remains of James Johnston (1738-1808) - - editor of Georgia's first newspaper.
A native of Scotland, Johnston settled at Savannah in 1761. "Recommended as a person regularly bred and well skilled in the Art and mystery of Print…
This birthplace of the San Diego UnionOctober 10, 1868Oldest daily in Southern California,is declared to be aHISTORIC SITE IN JOURNALISMby San Diego Professional ChapterSIGMA DELTA CHI
A pioneer and leader in the development of the Johnson County area, Merriam has recorded several "firsts."
Prior to the incorporation of Overland Park in 1950, Merriam was home to the county's first high school, then known as Shawnee Mission Ru…
This monument erected by theDaughters of the American RevolutionandThe City of St. Josephmarks the place where the firstPony Express started on April 3, 1860
A small office in the basement of this building was the birthplace of digital audio in the broadcasting industry.
Kevin Lockhart was Operations Manager for KOGA AM & FM; radio stations owned and operated by his father, Ray Lockhart. On December…
[Pony Express medallion on the top]0.8 miles to southwardErected to the intrepid riders and operators 1962 by Keith Co.
Owned and operated from 1857 as a stage station by Henry F. W. Deterding. This was the site of the second remount station of the Central Overland Pony Express during March-July 1860. Here on April 4, 1860, Sam (Bill) Hamilton with the first eastwa…
This Federal style house was begun in 1814, by Sarah Porter Hillhouse who came to Washington in 1786, from Connecticut with her husband David. In 1801, David purchased the town's first newspaper The Monitor, and when he died in 1803, Sarah became …
When A. Skillman closed the Shermantown Reporter at Hamilton he moved is printing press to Eureka. Together with Dr. L.C. McKenny they started the Sentinel as a weekly paper in July 1870. It became a daily in June 1871 reporting local and internat…
historicalmarkerproject/markers/HM1F8X_fisgard-lighthouse-national-historic-site_Victoria-British Columbia.html
Fisgard Lighthouse was built in 1860 as the first permanent light on the west coast of Canada. Although administered together with Fort Rodd Hill, it is a separate national historic site. There is no historic connection between the two structures.…