Historical Marker — Tags

Showing historical markers tagged with Labor Unions

Page 8 of 33 — Showing results 71 to 80 of 328
The detachable shirt collar was invented in Troy in 1827 by a local housewife, Hannah Montague. Form more than a hundred years, various styles of the stiff cotton collars were worn by merchants, businessmen and other "white collar" workers. Tr…
Panel 1:Harry Bridges1901 - 1990Founder of the ILWUPanel 2:Harry Bridges was an Australian seaman who came ashore and started longshoring in San Francisco in 1922. Unsafe working conditions, corrupt hiring practices and low wages convinced Harry t…
"By virtue of the authority vested in me as president of the United States...the Massanutten Unit of George Washington National Forest is hereby designated as the Robert Fechner Memorial Forest in honor of Robert Fechner, the first director of the…
Here on September 10, 1897, nearly 400 immigrant coal miners on strike were met and fired upon by sheriff's deputies. Unarmed, they were marching from Harwood to Lattimer in support of higher wages and more equitable working conditions. Nineteen o…
Phase One: Pioneer MiningThe coal fields of Cherokee and Crawford Counties covered over 300 square miles of land, making it a prime area for coal mining. When early settlers first moved into the area in the 1800's, they were amazed to see the coal…
City of Berkeley Landmarkdesignated in 1979Toward the end of the 19th-century, a large Finnish immigrant community was located in west Berkeley. Together they constructed this wooden building which integrates traditional Finnish and American verna…
John "Bricky" Crivello, a key figure in the Monterey Fisherman's Union for 67 years, was instrumental in the passage of Senate Bill 1213 which provided unemployment benefits to all California fishermen. Due to Bricky's relentless efforts, the bocc…
1830 - - - - - - 1930 Field Organizer, United Mine Workers of America "The most dangerous woman in America" A teacher and seamstress, Mary Harris "Mother" Jones began her crusade for workers' rights with the Knights of Labor in the 1870…
Over 300,000 skilled tradesmen went on strike against United States railroads to defend gains by unions during World War One. The Pennsylvania Railroad shops in Altoona led the anti-union opposition. The bitter struggle led to the 1926 Railway Lab…
In February, 1910, over 9,000 steelworkers went on strike over wages, overtime, and work conditions. A striker was shot and killed here during hostilities that ensued. The subsequent federal investigation substantiated workers' claims and contribu…
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