Historical Marker Search

You searched for City|State: auburn, ny

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Dedicated to the Memory of William H. Seward who as a young Auburn lawyer practiced law in Cayuga County Court House. He rose to become governor of New York, United States Senator, Secretary of State under Lincoln and Johnson. He was Lincoln's pri…
On D-Day, June 6, 1944, as members of the 299th Combat Engineer's assault boat teams, the following men from Auburn, N.Y. and adjacent areas, gave their lives on the beaches of Normandy in the liberation of Europe. · Nicholas V. DeAngelis …
Hon. Theodore Medad Pomeroy (1824-1905) was born in Cayuga to Rev. Medad Pomeroy and Lillian Maxwell. His father moved the family to Elridge where Theodore studied at Munro Academy under Lemuel S. Pomeroy. A graduate of Hamilton College, Theodore …
1824-1905 Theodore Medad Pomeroy Clerk, Village of Auburn 1847 Mayor of Auburn 1875-76 D.A. of Cayuga County 1850-56 NYS Assembly & Senate 1857; 78-79 Delegate to GOP Conventions 1860 & 76 U.S. Congressman 1861-69 Speaker of the House 1869
[front center] Koren War "The Forgotten War" 25 June 1950 - 27 July 1953 Dedicated to the men and women of Cayuga County for their contriutions and sacrifices in saving a nation fom communism and preserving peace, freedom and prosperity. Killed 54…
The Medal of Honor is the highest military decoration awarded by the United States Government. It is bestowed by the President in the name of Congress and is conferred only upon members of the United States Armed Forces who distinguish themselves …
[left] The Moral of War In War: Resolution In Defeat: Definace In Victory: Magnanimity In Peace: Goodwill Winston Spencer Churchill ———————— This memorial is dedicated as a perpetual reminder of the …
Enos T. Throop 1784-1874 Auburn Postmaster 1809-1815 State Congressman 1815-1817 Circuit Judge 1823-1828 Governor of New York 1829-1832
St. Peter's Church Original church 1811 First to be erected in Auburn. Present stone ediface dedicated 1833.
Martha Coffin Wright with sister Lucretia Mott, an organizer of the 1848 Women's Rights Convention. Underground Railroad stop. Wright home raised 1880. Noble Mansion razed in 1975.