You searched for City|State: auburn, ny
Showing results 1 to 10 of 45
Baptists Corners
Owasco District No. One
Built 1834 with local stone
Served for 116 years
Closed in 1950
Across Wasco Outlet on great Iroquois Trail used by Col. Peter Gansevoort who encamped here Sept. 21, 1779.
Here was built in 1798 First Church in Cayuga County Reformed Dutch Church of Owasco
John Foster Dulles Born 1888 - Died 1959 Resided in this house. Secretary of State in cabinet of President Dwight D. Eisenhower
David Munson Osborne Born 1822 - Died 1886 Lived here - House demolished 1936. Founded D.M. Osbourne Company manufacturer of harvesting machines. Mayor of Auburn, 1879-1881 Thomas Mott Osbourne Born 1859 - Died 1926 Lived here - House demolished 1…
North Street Cemetery Most of the settlers of Hardenbergh's Corners and early inhabitants of Auburn are buried here. Main cemetery until 1852
Theodore Willard Case Born 1888 - Died 1944 Built and resided in this house. Inventor of the sound-on-film technology and the optical soundtrack
Willam Henry Carpenter Born 1821 - Died 1885 Built and resided in this house. Unites States Consul to Foo Chow, China Appointed by President Abraham Lincoln Served 1861 - 1865
David Munson Osborne Memorial City Hall Opened 1930- Henry Shepley, architect. Donated by Helen Osborne Storrow and Emily Osborne Harris in memory of their father, D.M. Osborne.
Memorial to Cayuga County Soldiers and Sailors of the Civil War, 1861 1865. Friends around me fell like drops of rain. Twas there many noble ones were slain. Their mangled corpes strewned the grass with none to care since life was passed. Each day…